Swift Email Validation API

Swift Email Verifier provides dedicated, simple and powerful REST based real-time email validation API ( Application Programming Interface) without requiring you to upload your email addresses to our servers thereby offering you 100% privacy. We do not log nor store any of the email addresses and all verifications are done in real-time.

email validation API

Validation Features

The most accurate and complete Email Validation Service

Syntax, Typo Check, Fakes and Spam Traps

Avoid common typo domain typo errors, fakes, bad emails such as well known complainers, spam traps etc. We have a massive 900 Million+ spam trap database

Actual Mail Existence Check

Checks if the email address really exists and is able to receive mail.We perform full SMTP connection method to perform actual mailbox existence check.

Free Windows Program to consume the API

We provide a free Windows based program to use the API. All you need is your API server IP and Key

Catch-All Domain, Disposable Email Check and Role Accounts

Detect toxic emails such as catchall, role accounts
and disposable emails

The most comprehensive and accurate Gmail validation service

Pay only for detected Valid and Invalid Emails, No charges for Unknown emails that we cannot validate!


We offer dedicated API servers with private IPs not shared by others so that you can maximize your inbox delivery and even warm up the IP to improve your reputation. You are in total control of your API server and can even monitor it against blacklists. Our goal is to help you reduce bounces and complaints for your email marketing. Our services goes beyond validations; we can detect emails with Greylisting enabled, Catch-all emails, Role/Function accounts, Disposable Email Addresses and Temporary unavailability of email accounts and malicious/bogus email domains and emails including over 900 million known spam traps and complainers.

To verify emails with the API, simply signup and download an approriate API client below or integrate into your own application. Using the API endpoint is pretty easy. All you need to do is perform a GET request using the schema below: http://<API_Server_IP>/CheckEmail/<api_key>/<email_address> Output will be displayed in JSON format.


Why to choose us

The real-time SMTP-based validation performs a complete and full verification by checking if an email address actually exist (actual mailbox existence) and can receive email (deliverable) at that specific moment in time.

Where we are unable to conclusively verify that an email address actually exists AND can receive email at that instant it was verified, we will respond back with an "Unknown" status. Unknown email address status do not attract any charges. Note that we do not support or guarantee any other email provider except Gmail.

This checks the email addresses and ensures that they conforms to IETF standards and void of common typo domain typo errors using powerful email validation engine 

In addition, we have invested heavily in a massive 900+ million well known spam traps and bad emails from various reputable sources that is integrated into the API.

This checks if the email domain will receive all of the email messages addressed to that domain, even if their addresses do not exist in the mail server. This offers the ability to detect potential Catch-all email domains. In addition, our API can detect role based email accounts such as admin@, support@, sales@ which are email addresses that are not associated with a particular person, but rather with a company, department, position or group. 

This checks if the email is provided by a known Disposable Email Address (DEA) provider such as Mailinator, 10MinuteMail, GuerrillaMail and about 2000 more. 

This checks the availability of the email address domain using DNS MX records 

This checks if the email address really exists�. We use only real-time verification by employing SMTP connection method to accurately determine if an email address will bounce or non-existent. No historical data used.All validations is performed in real-time. Infact, we do not log nor store any of your email addresses since all emails are verified in real-time 100%. Therefore if you are interested in a real-time email validation API to use in your custom web/desktop application without sacrificing the privacy of your mailing lists, you have come to the right place!

API DOCUMENTATION Use our API documentation to integrate into your custom app

Some facts about us

99% Bounce Rate Reduction
24/7 Customer Support
M+ Emails Verified
99.9% Uptime

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Email Verifier API or Proxy Server

  • 50,000 Requests for API
  • Non-Expiry API Key
  • Enterprise-Grade
  • Free Support



Email Verifier API or Proxy Server

  • 1 Million Requests for API
  • Non-Expiry API Key
  • Enterprise-Grade
  • Free Support

Customer testimonials and Trial/Demo

Try before you purchase and clean up to 500 email addresses for free via Telegram live chat. Using the Trial 50000 quota API Key, you can clean up to 500 email addresses by using our easy Windows based API client.

The manual for the Windows based API client can be downloaded here.


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